Yuko’s Studio

Yuko’s Favorites

Yuko’s Kitchen

This appetizer is perfect with a glass of white wine!

Ho, Ho, Ho!


I always love December. Most of you love this holiday season.

I used to really enjoy talking about Santa Clause with my children when they were little. We read books about him together, they always wrote the letter with their wish list and they drew his face for him and left it right next to the cookie plate and milk as his treat.

Now my children are getting big and no one talks about him any more in our house.

Then I was trying to think how I can make MY christmas more fun without little children.

Painting Santa Clause might be the great theme for December, I thought:)

Painting Santa Clause was actually much harder than talking about him, I really focused on making his face as the happiest and warmest person in this world!! ( Not sure if he looks like that person, though!!!)

Well, since my big boys don’t have their wish list for him any more, I have a wish for him.

I wish that Santa Clause will bring a little present to all children in this world to make them smile and happy. Then, I really wish all children can have their sweet dream and  I really wish they will make that dream come true.

Happy holiday season, everyone.

—— With thinking of children who are having so many difficulties in their life and health issues under the war.