Yuko’s Studio

Yuko’s Favorites

Yuko’s Kitchen

This appetizer is perfect with a glass of white wine!

Wooden Spoons


You might laugh at these spoons. Yes, I know there are too many spoons, which are not necessary for your life. But believe me, I need all of them in my life, my eating life!

As you all know,  I love cooking, that means I love eating. I really care how we eat with what. I have been learning these wooden spoons make so much different.

For example, when you eat very hot soup, one of these spoons brings a spoon of soup on to your tongue very gently without burning. For example, when you are eating your favorite ice cream, one of these spoons brings a spoon of ice cream on to your tongue without brain freeze.

I have been getting very pleasant compliments from my clients when we had lunch after our private cooking session.

They all enjoyed eating with these wooden spoons!!

I also use them as servers for dips, salt. spice and etc..etc…for helping my cooking presentation more fun.

Well, I really can say these spoons are my favorite which I must have in my happy cooking & eating life;)

If you are very interested in, leave your comments, please. You might be able to get them with anyhow, who knows!