New recipe I would like to share! Scallops cucumber salad.
Slice 6 small cumbers, put them into the bowl. Add 1/2 tea spoon of salt. Mix with your hand and leave it.
Slice one clove of garlic, start heating the pan. Then as soon as you start heating put the olive oil and sliced garlic. Once the slices of garlic get light brown. add cut 8 scallops sauté them and add salt and black pepper. Add one table spoon of mayonnaise and onion powder then sauté until they mix well.
Squeeze salted sliced cucumber, mix with chopped sweet onion (1 table spoon) mayonnaise (1 tea spoon) and add sautéed scallops.
Prepare the small cup. And place scallops, cucumbers and chopped lettuce into it.
Then the flat plate on it and put it upside down. Cilantro would be great for topping! And this is a great appetizer for a cold glass of white wine!
Main dish was the shrimp and shimeji mushroom garlic pasta with Oba leaves:) Great combinations?
Have a great weekend and Happy Mother’s Day weekend!!